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Writer's picturePatience Udoh

How Full Is Your Glass?

When it comes to marital or family relationships, people often pass on the responsibility of bringing value into the relationship onto the other person, and that places undue pressure on that party. 

The fact is that only God can COMPLETE human beings, mortals can only COMPLEMENT each other.

The mystery of relationships is the fulfillment that comes back to you when you give from your heart to another.


We are all like half-filled drinking glasses. Only God is full and overflowing to pour into us. John 1:16 KJV tells us that  ’... of his fullness have all we received, and grace for grace.’

It is out of His excess love, we can flow to others and not run dry!

So ask yourself as often as you remember, ‘what positive value am I adding to this relationship today?’

And watch that relationship blossom like a well-tended rose garden.

You will make it!

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